Special Techniques
Short Rows
Wrap and turn (w&t) on knit rows Take yarn between needles to front of work, slip the next st purlwise from the LH to RH needle, take yarn between needles to back of work, slip the st back to the LH needle, turn your work.
Wrap and turn (w&t) on purl rows Take yarn between needles to back of work, slip the next st purlwise from LH to RH needle, take yarn between needles to front of work, slip the st back to LH needle, turn your work.
Hiding wrapped stitches on short rows:
Knit row: Insert RH needle up through the wrap then into the st. Knit stitch and wrap together.
Purl row: From the knit side of work, lift the wrap and place it in front of the purl st. Purl stitch and wrap together.
For a good tutorial see: https://www.purlsoho.com/create/short-rows-wrap-turn/
Useful Tutorials
Elizabeth Zimmerman’s Sewn Cast Off
Knitted Cast On
Mattress Stitch
Short Rows