02 January 2019
I love seeing what lovely things are being made with Langsoond yarn and I thought I would share a few of them with you. I have sent the yarn all over the world, and its amazing to think that the yarn from the fleece of the sheep on our little island has gone so far.

The Meal Beach Hap by Shona Mason is rather a special one; Shona is a big fan of all things Shetland and I met her when she was Shetland during one of her trips. It was her birthday and I gifted her the very first skein of Langsoond yarn (in shade haigrie) . She went on to design her own hap inspired by the Meal Beach, which is a 5 minute walk from my house.

She also uses Shetland double knit Yarn from Jamiesons of Shetland in colours inspired by the colours of the beach to create a beautiful garment.
Shona then went onto to design the lovely Burra tunic inspired by the island where I live and where the Langsoond fleece comes from. You can read more about her inspiration on her Ravely project page here. You can see the Meal beach in the distance in the photo below.

I really LOVE the Share sweater by Eri (known as Eritml on Ravelry and Instagram).

It is called the Share sweater because the idea is it can be shared with a partner or friend, although I don’t think I would want to share it! Eri will be releasing the pattern for the sweater in February, I think this is definitely one I will need to add to my queue. I really love Eri’s style and she has many other gorgeous designs that you can see on her Raverly design page here.
Claire AKA Soupdragon has made a lovely Everglade hat using shade Speet (unfortunately out of stock but hopefully more will be coming later this year). The hat is one of Woolly Wormhead patterns, Woolly always create such clever designs, I love the way the cables converge into the crown of the hat.

And in case you are wondering (and I know some of you will be) the sweater Claire is wearing is a ready made design by Shetland Designer that she purchased during a trip to Shetland.
Look how cute this is! This is Ella Gordon‘s version of the Doe Cap by Jenny Gordy. The pattern was featured in Making No.2 / FAUNA.

Ella designs many lovely patterns herself, and here is JanetBarra’s version of her Vatsland jumper. I love how Janet has styled the jumper with the gingham dress.

This is another pattern in my every growing queue!
Another gorgeous sweater is the Humulus knit by thisLizaknit and designed by Isabell Kramer.

KEP named her hat Shetland Souvenir, I met her when she visited Shetland on a Shetland Wool Adventures tour, the pattern is Ponderosa, another by Woolly Wormhead.
I will have a stand selling Langsoond yarn at the MAKE::WOOL event during Edinburgh Yarn Festival this year on Sunday 24th March. For details of the event and how to get tickets (which go on sale tomorrow, Saturday 19th March) please click here.
Keep posting the pictures of your Langsoond projects, I love seeing them!
Have a good weekend x